Saturday, August 21, 2004

Since it has been months, a slight recap...Horribly ill in May...Kidney infection and stones, which I of course had diagnosed as simply a part of aging and therefore required hospitalize since my medical degree is not recognized by my body. After the morphine in the emergency room, the staff there did not think much of my medical diagnosis either...Nor my humor or command of every expletive anyone has said and my own inventive combinations of them.

At this point the "real" doctor, named Kristi, how in the hell did it get to the point where doctors are named "Kristi"...Now Elizabeth...That is a doctor's name I could trust...Anyway, Kristi said that working more than 40 hours a week was ridiculous with my health, so get a grip and get over being a workaholic and settle down to a real life. Best advice I ever got in my life. Maybe I should have found a Kristi earlier. Anyway, now I will only work occasionally at Barnes and Noble and spend my forty hours at New Moon Magazine.

My summer vacation, therefore, has consisted of recovering, learning what to do with two days a week off, reading, watching movies and trying to wean myself from my addiction to the internet. I have discovered "surfing" blogs and now have a list of favorites that I return to often.

Today this behavior suddenly seemed bizarre. Here I am, 57 years old, introverted, willing to live in the confines of my brain and my voyeuristic addiction to other people's lives and opinions are my company. Wait...that isn't really a problem, it's what I want and therefore when I die everyone can talk about how odd I became in my old age. As opposed to how odd I was in my younger age?

My next goal will be to master the management of this blog...let's see, insert a picture? We'll see. Add links to favorites...oh, yeah. Onward and upward.

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I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...