Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The latest word is...my computer guru is awaiting a quote from some Pakistanis in New Jersey. See what you get for living in the middle of nowhere? I am beginning to feel like I am in a Seinfeld episode and pretty soon the credits are going to start to roll and I won't know what's so funny.

The next funny thing...is watching me attempt to use Tina's cell phone. It rings, well, it doesn't really "ring," it makes this noise like a slot machine. I pick it up. It is very, very small. These giant fingers have to figure out which magic button I am supposed to poke and then get it to my ear fast enough to say hello...instead of doing that, though, I drop it. Finally, I get it back in my hands and can't tell where you are supposed to talk. Where is that circle with the little holes that the sound goes through? I don't get it. While I am certainly grateful for the computer, I see the value in that, these damn miniaturized doo-hickeys make me feel like I have King Kong fingers.

Will update you tomorrow...on whether my baby will be taking a trip to the Jersey shore. Meanwhile, I will worry about whether or not I should have cleaned some of the more bizarre things off of it before dropping it off. So, until tomorrow, when I return to work, I will bid you a fond adieu and ask that you burn some kind of sacrifice to the computer goddess for the quick recovery of my baby.


DementedPhotographer said...

You have bizzarre things on your hard drive???

Hmmmmm ... now I'm curious. ;)


Webmiztris said...

that's so devastating about your baby!! maybe you should just get one of those brand new Dells for $400! might be easier.

Kim said...

I sacrificed four cd's just for you...

Unknown said...

Computer goddess, I implore you to fix Princess's baby!

Russ said...

I hope you get your computer back again soon!! My old one died a couple months ago and I didn't know what to do with myself until I got a new one.

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...