Sunday, March 06, 2005


And the reason, my dear friends, is simple. The blog is fine and the only thing wrong with it now is that I can only access it from my daughter's house (where I am now) or at work (where I will be tomorrow.) The poor 'puter is sick. Not real sick, I hope. I am hoping that all it is will require a slight soldering of a connection and I will have it back by Wednesday.

The little doo-hickey that you plug into the thing-a-ma-jig on the back of the laptop to make it magic isn't connecting. I checked out the power source and my fear is that the machine must be opened up by a professional. Not that I didn't consider it yesterday when I was home and going through withdrawal. No blogs to write, no blogs to read, no silly games of Bounce-out or e-mail, no wonderful messages from those who fill me with joy. How did I live without it?

Tuesday, because of the liberal work place I am lucky enough to be employed by, is a holiday. International Women's Day. Woo-hoo! And I get paid for it. So that I can pay someone to fix my baby.

I miss you all and will see you at work tomorrow and my sweet'ums should be fixed by Wednesday night and I will return to tell all the exciting things I have found to do while baby was down.


DementedPhotographer said...

Awwww, poor 'puter! Hope everything is fixable!


Nathan Frampton said...

International Women's Day, paid??

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...