Saturday, July 16, 2005


The next time Bunns and Noodles wants to know if you are interested in getting in on the Harry Potter fun and madness, the answer is, "NO!" After seven hours on my feet, smiling, handing out books and buying my own, I realize I will never stay awake long enough to delve into my own copy.

What's wrong with this picture? (Okay, the kids were darn cute!)


zydeco fish said...

I haven't read a single word of any Harry Potter book, but I did fall asleep during the first movie. Does that count as Harry Potter madness?

Unknown said...

hee i haven't read a single word either :))

Cade said...

LOL. I only read the first book and that was before all the Harry Potter Madness. I enjoy reading on the whole, but I'll wait for the movie...

DementedPhotographer said...

I'm into the 3rd chapter, but then it started storming and the dog started crying and ... well ...

Anonymous said...

So how much was B & N selling it for?

Unknown said...

I love to read, but get impatient if I have to wait too long for the next installment. So I'm waiting for her to finish and then I'm going to buy the entire set. Everyone claims it's great, so I figure it'll be worth the expense.

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...