This my good friends is what awakened me in the middle of the night. To you, this may appear as simply a messy pile of books on the floor, but let me reassure you that they did not start out that way. No, dear reader, for you see I am one of the best "book stacker" in the world. And stacked they stay. I compensate for overall size and height and end up with a rather tidy stack of books that will fit nowhere else in the house and only take up two square feet of the remaining eight square feet of my bedroom floor.
All was well with these books. They had been in this particular stack for well over two weeks. Until, and I say this with a hint of warning, until last night. Apparently sometime during my sleeping hours the cat, Jack, decided that he wanted to climb and sit on or sleep on this particular well groomed stack of books. You are viewing the aftermath. I am sure I can deal with this sometime this evening. Or, if I leave it until tomorrow morning, it may prompt me into boxing some of them up. Yeah, right.
Dear Friends: This is the first post that I have posted on both of my sites. You heard right. We're moving on up, to the East Side...to that deeee-luxe site designed by Rachel of Web Divas. Soon, my darlings, we will be basking in our new found beauty.
I'm visiting from BlogExplosion.
I, too, am a bookstacker. And I feel your pain.
My tower of tomes was recently knocked to the ground by a wayward chihuahua.
Well, he /thinks/ he's a cat.
Love your blog. Will be back.
I'm embarassed to admit how long I peered, tilting my head this way and that, to try to decipher the titles. Guess I'm a book-peeper.
Boy, are you lucky...I haven't cleaned them up yet...here you go:
A Conspiracy of Paper
Geisha, A Life
The Vintage Book of Amnesia
The Center of the World
The Roominghouse Madrigals
Accounting and Bookkeeping for Publishing Companies
Utne Reader
The Art of She Ku
And a variety of mass market mysteries and suspense novels.
My daughter says I'm going to have to read when I'm dead...
cool! I can't wait to see your new digs!!
The problem is, cats never really learn from such experiences. Build another stack, and he'll try to lounge on that one as well. They seem to have this strange idea that if you build it then it must certainly be for their benefit. ;)
I'm looking at the books. So telling...:}
not sure why but i can't see the picture.
Maybe you should have been a librarian.
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