And, Johnny Depp? What the hell was that all about? Was he being campy, psychotic, a little too Michael Jackson, or what. I saw far too many close ups of his overly made up face with a glimpse of gigantic pores where coverage was impossible. BTW, he was the only one with "white" teeth. It didn't help.I am usually a fan of everything that Tim Burton does. What I could comprehend of the sets in this movie appeared to be...who knows? I couldn't tell. Giant blobs of color that I couldn't tie in with anything else because of this giant rounded screen in front of me. I will wait until I can see it on DVD before I pass any real judgment on it.
aww can Johnny Depp ever look bad (however close up)? i just want to eat him :))
Those round Imax screens are awful, no matter what they say. Just watch at a normal theater and sit up close. Same thing, no distortion.
From the upper lip down he reminds me of Fire Marshall Bill from In Living Color.
(Johnny Depp)
I have a hard time with remakes of classics. I loved Gene Wilder in the 1st Willy Wonka, have not seen this remake yet but am predisposed not to think much of it. I wasn't crazy about the new Stepford Wives either, nor do I think we needed yet another remake of the Bad News Bears so soon. I wish Follywood would get more original and stop butchering the old and sequeling everything else, but that's just me :)
Seeing the promo shots of Depp in this movie simply leaves me thinking: "here's another guy I would never, ever, let my kids do a sleepover with.
From everything I've heard, this film version is much closer to the book than the last was, which in my opinion can only be a good thing! So many people seem to assume that the 'original' was a film, and forget that it was actually written by Dahl (who, incidentally, hated the first film for being too saccharine...).
they put giant fake teeth on Johnny to make him more cartoony....
That's too bad you didn't like it! I'm dying to see it.
I don't think I could 'not' like anything that Johnny is in. ;)
Although it was truer to the book than the original movie, I hated it.
Go see March of the Penguins. It will get rid of the icky feeling left by Willy and his Oompas.
The Ompa Lumpa songs in this one were bad. I just really didn't like them and I yearned for a good old rendition of Ompah Lumpa dupitee dooh....
However, I thought the child playing Charlie was a great little actor. His grandpa was way weird though.
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