Caden sprang me from work early today and we had quite an adventure. First we went to the bank so Granny could get some cash for the afternoon. Yeah, you don't head out the door with this kid with no moolah. We first went to A and Dubs, our closest thing to an A and W, and had lunch. With large root beers, which led to even larger burps. You really don't expect a boy of nine to drink root beer without burping, do you?
Then it was to the mall...BN, of course. For books, of course. Only the book that Caden wanted wasn't there, or hadn't been written, or was just plain out of season. It was a book that had "all of the basketball players" in it. Of course, there was no other book that he wanted...what he wanted was a Slipknot poster. For those of you not in the know, Slipknot is a band that plays really raucous music and you (I) can't understand a word of the lyrics. Now, I have gotten into trouble in the past purchasing CDs that the kid convinced me his mother would think were okay and later turned out to be NOT so okay. (Surprise, surprise.) As I recalled, Slipknot wasn't one of her favorites. So I asked him. "Oh, no, their new CD is different, she likes it...and the neighbor, Allison, likes them and went to fourof their concerts..."
"Are you sure?" (Yeah, that was a pretty stupid question, but I asked it anyway.) "Oh, yeah." And, there we are heading off to the local Hot Topic to see if they have any posters. Does it look like he is wearing a poster? No, well, that's because they didn't haven't poster, but they did have t-shirts. Now, I ask you, isn't that an attractive group...Yeah, I knew my goose was just sitting in the pan and waiting to go into the oven.
Ah, hell. Live on the edge. As soon as he gets it and we get back to Barnes and Noble, he has to run into the bathroom to change his shirt. As he came out, he proudly announced, "I'm not normal." I snorted when I laughed...NOT NORMAL? Little did he know that every child on the face of the earth likes stuff his parents don't and that, in and of itself, made him the most normal kid I knew.
So, not willing to leave without spending some more money, I bought a magazine and two CDs. I had to have them! After all, Some day, if I have nothing to do, I can sit down and start listening to all of my music and continue to do so for the next ten or fifteen years. With any luck, that is.
Now it's time to fill up with $2.29 a gallon gasoline, hit the grocery store, and head on home. Caden learned how to wash the windows on the car and did so for me. After my choking as I paid we headed to the grocery store. Grub for the weekend and I let him talk me into buying S'mores Ice Cream. (Weird tasting stuff, I'll stick with your basic chocolate, vanilla, caramel, nut combos from now on.) We start talking about Slipknot and Caden tells me that one of them is a policeman. "Oh, that's cool," I say...I mean, maybe they did have day jobs before. "And one is a fireman..." "Really?" "And one is an emergency room doctor..." Okay, games up. I say the obvious..."Bullshit." And, he admits it immediately. I am now completely worried that he has discovered my gullibility and it's downhill for granny from now on.
Before we head home, it's time for a stop at, you got it, Dairy Queen. Large chocolate covered cone for him and a root beer float for me. See why we stopped at the bank.
Home again, home again, jiggety jig. Caden goes out plays with the dog, comes in, plays with the cat. Throws some balls for the dog, gets bitten by mosquitoes, comes back in and watches some Family Guy with the cat...As you can see from both of the pictures, he has now developed the capacity to smile and close his eyes at the same time. He snuggled with the cat for a while and then came in and we watched Team America. Great choice Granny. Let's see, the next time you decide to get a movie from Netflix and let Caden put it in the DVD player, why don't you check and make sure you didn't get the "Uncensored, Unrated" version that you really, really don't want to watch with your grandson. So, the finger was on the fast forward and I'm sure that it was going so fast he couldn't really see what those damned puppets were doing.
Okay, now he wants to write something. Here he is, the one, the only Caden:
This is about the band called Slipknot, they call their fans maggots.
And, with that note, I'll close.
Aww isn't he cute? I love Hot Topic. I bought a "No Doubt" onesie for my six month old niece that had "I'm just a girl" printed on the butt. And a toddler-sized Led Zeppelin shirt for my nephew. The mom wasn't super pleased but the Dad loved it!
Slipknot is actually really tame compared to some of the music that's out there. Just be glad that you won't be able to understand the lyrics :)
In his defense, I think their newer CD isn't as "mean" as their previous ones. I'm not quite a fan of theirs.
Now would be a good time to introduce him to The Doors too...
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