Well, let me tell you. I had a dream night before last night. Or, more of an acid trip while I was asleep. It all started with blog envy. Somehow, while surfing all of the blogs that I do, I see amazingly designed blogs. I see blogs that start out with a cookie cutter template and transform into an amazing piece of art that is totally in tune with the blog title and the theme....personality abounds. In my dream I was exceptionally jealous. I recognized how plain and ordinary my blog was. Yes, I had managed to figure out how to change the color of the background for my title...and, that was about it.
So, in my dream I approached one of the marvelous web designers that are displayed on all these beautiful blogs and these magical women created the perfect reflection of me. It was "I Dream of Jeannie" who I had decided represented a princess, sitting cross legged with her magic bottle with a wonderful color combination that was a light orange and a kind of burnished green. It was absolutely perfect, I couldn't believe my luck. Now, I know that Jeannie has nothing to do with a Princess like me, and there wasn't a damned cow in sight. But, in my dream it made perfect sense. I think that was the acid part.
What does this have to do with a dirty bathroom? There is the ongoing aging problem which requires waking in the middle of the night to pee. When I finally do get to sleep, it is difficult to awaken for this nighttime ritual. At first, I developed this habit of reaching down to feel the cold porcelain toilet bowl to make sure I was awake and not just dreaming I was on a toilet. That worked great for a while. That is, until I reached down one night and apparently laid my hand on my cold butt and thought it was the toilet and, sure enough, I peed the bed. Now, at age seven that is uncomfortable. In middle age, it is not only uncomfortable, it is damned uncomfortable and a real pain because I had to clean it up myself.
I knew then that that tactic had failed me and I was constantly afraid of peeing the bed again, so my unconscious mind developed the one sure thing to keep me from peeing the bed. The dirty bathroom. Not just dirty, but filthy, disgusting, rank and enough to make one lose one's stomach contents. If you know me just a little, then you know that I am selectively obsessive-compulsive. And one of the things I have selected is the cleanliness of bathrooms. Therfore, it is the one thing that wakes me up immediately.
Until night before last. Because I was in such awe of my new template, I couldn't even tear myself away from the beauty of it and thus was in dire danger of peeing the bed again. Luckily, a cat that had teeth like a tiger started to rip at my fingers and thus saved me the travesty of peeing the bed again. When I woke up, immediately, I was pissed off. I was pissed off because I knew that my blog still had the same crappy look it did before I went to sleep and on top of that, I had to wake myself up before I peed the bed again.
What's a girl to do? Obviously, I had better get a new design or just get used to washing the sheets every other day because the next time, I'm going to continue to bask in the beauty of my wonderful new blog. Now, my biggest fear isn't that I will pee the bed again, it's that Dead Guy will put it ithis into one of his cartoons and I will be wearing one of those horrible house dresses. Maybe it's Pampers time for the old girl.