Friday, February 18, 2005


And the problem, my dears, is the number of hours in the day. One might think that 24 would be sufficient. Alas, it is not. I want 30. That's right, 30. Then I will have enough time to do what I want in addition to what I have to do.

Time to do now:

  • Work 8 hours
  • Sleep at least 6 hours
  • Eat 1 hour
  • Play with dog 1 hour
  • Drive time 2 hours
  • Laundry Household Stuff 2 hours
  • Entertainment 2 hours
  • Surf web 2 hours

Time to do with 30 hours:

  • Surf the web 2 hours
  • Work 8 hours
  • Watch movies 6 hours
  • Eat 4 hours
  • Play with dog 2 hours
  • Sleep at least 6 hours
  • Laundry Household Stuff 2 hours

Now with the simple adjustment to the number of hours in the day, I could do what I want and have to do. No matter how I try and adjust simultaneously watching movies and surfing the web, there still isn't enough time in a 24 hour period to do what I want to do.

At a much younger age, with the additional help of a variety of drugs, I was able to sleep only 2 hours, eliminate eating all together, and while housecleaning took up a little more of that time, it was not the healthiest or sanest period of my life.

If I could eliminate work, that would help a lot. But, with the dependence upon shelter and food that I have and no one around to pay me just to exist, that does not seem to be a likely choice. I suppose I could put up a PayPal button and see if I do as well as those who get the free IPods. As far as retirement goes, I'm just as screwed. Remember the hippie period...working off the books for cash, selling a variety of things that didn't get reported as income, living on a pittance so I could "create" art that would never sell...well, it bites you in the butt come 50. I love getting those Social Security Statements every year. Helloo Reality!

I can see it now...Age 70 and the Princess is still putting numbers into boxes for someone else and saying..."Just think, in another two years I can retire and enjoy my golden years." Ooops, looks like I already had them.


Anonymous said...

Why settle for 30? If you had 78 hours in a day you could get tons more stuff done!

Webmiztris said...

I could use more hours every day too. Of course then I'd probably just waste more time every day anyway.


Amanda said...

I'm with you... I vote for 30 hrs in a day! Now... where can we go to get this changed?? :P

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