Monday, April 11, 2005


In so many ways this woman affected my life. Love her, hate her, agree with her, disagree with her, she gave a generation of feminists more to think about than many would have thought possible. Regardless of how I feel about her today, I will always love her for the challenges she presented to me in defining my own feminism and the impact she will have on feminism for all times. Thanks, the world will miss you.


Carolyn said...

This one was a gift, but I had not been able to find time to read it. I am scheduling a sit-down appointment with my rocker on the front porch this summer to catch up on her works.

P.S. Thank you for the nice email regarding the passing of my father. I appreciate your thoughtfulness :)

DementedPhotographer said...

She took us places we hadn't thought to go. She made us see what we didn't know existed. She showed us a perspective that brought our own into question.

Controversy and all, she was invaluable.


(S)wine said...

she will be missed.

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...