I don't think I even want to talk about some of these jobs, but the next time I complain about reconciling a bank statement or closing the books out for the year, I think I'll just peruse this for awhile.
I have often said that there aren't too many other time in history that I would have wanted to be alive. Then invention of bathrooms, microwaves and remote controls on televisions seem to have been invented just for me. To think about living, much less working, in other times makes me feel a little "oogy." (That may be a Minnesota term, what it means is "like puking.")
I took the test they had available and with my score of 25 found I fit in the following category:
0 to 30 No one is saying that you’re work-shy, but a more sedentary occupation would suit you, even if it gets a trifle monotonous. It’s a little messy, but being an Executioner won’t put huge demands on your time. If you don’t mind getting wet or sitting still, Bath Attendant or Artist's Model might do for you. Or if you’re not too squeamish about the sight of blood, pus or the odd taste of urine, try putting in an application form for some of the medical jobs: Leech Collector, Barber-Surgeon or Loblolly Boy (I'm not sure if they had Loblolly Girls but if they did, I think I could have found a better way to pick up some cash.)
Check it out only if you aren't so squeamish that the idea of stomping wool in urine is too much for your tummy.
Uhm, ya' know, I do believe I'll pass on that one. ;)
Lol, maybe an executioner. :)
yvonne: Don't laugh, The neck must be perfectly still !-)
What's that job where they fan you and feed you grapes? ummm... Goddess, yes! I want that job!
Hell no, Cori. That's my job and I'm not yet done doing it. ;>
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