Thursday, May 05, 2005


"One of those days?" you ask. As we say in Minnesota "YOU BETCHA!" followed closely behind by a few of these, "&*#%#!!."

I haven't mentioned it, but it has been a little over a year since I started doing this. I wasn't too hot to begin with and some may say (and do) that I'm not so hot now. In celebration I decided to give myself a little present and have ordered a new skin, new hosting, and....DSL. Today was the day the DSL was to be installed. Since I live in Timbuktu they can do nothing more than tell me they will be here on Thursday, May 5th. Groovy.

I take the day off work. Oh, did I mention the hard drive died on my satellite DVR the other day and after having been on hold for an hour they told me it would be delivered today, too. Great. What's the saying? Kill two birds with one stone? Who is kidding whom? This is Sarah. Her life just does not run like that.

First. Put the dog out. It's a beautiful day, the dog crawls into the little hole she has dug under one of the lilac bushes (which may bloom by August if I'm lucky) and sets out to spend the day guarding the homestead. Soon, I hear a bark. She is so good that nary a monster dares come into the yard. But, the 'crazy lady that lives down the road's' dog does come into the yard. Usually Jules is inside all day while I'm at work, so I don't know if this is the usual week day behavior of this dog. Jules, though, is having none of it. Barking commences, then squeals as I run to the window and yell for that asshole dog to get out of here. I call Jules to the front of the house and she comes in, dripping blood from a bite that she has on her side. Doggy first aid, coming up. Cold water on a paper towel, trying to calm the dog down and clear out dog fuzz at the same time blood is dripping all over the floor. SHI-I-I-I-I-T! Finally get it cleaned out and put some antibiotic cream on the gash and spend a half hour telling her that she's a good doggy and it's going to be okay.

Then, the UPS guy comes to drop off the new receiver. The DSL guy still hasn't shown up. And, Jules is doing her best to "scare" the UPS guy off, but is whimpering like a baby because of her "ow-ey." I start to unhook and rehook the cable at a time so I don't get confused and the DSL guy shows does the loudest, windiest, rainiest storm of the season starts.

This puts the dog into a minor fit. She hates thunder. I run to unplug the computer. The DSL guy says he'll wait until the storm passes to start the process. Blah Blah Blah. Storm passes. Guess what? Both phone lines are gone. That kills the DSL installation. Phone service starts up again after six, well after phone guy leaves.

So, I'll have to take another day off of work in an attempt to hook up to the internet at more than a snail's pace. What am I going to do now? I am going downstairs and making lemon poppyseed muffins, hot dogs and baked beans and eat until I I said before SHI-I-I-IT!!!


DementedPhotographer said...

Let me know when the hot dogs are ready. ;)


Val said...

BAHAHAHA, as some would say I live in timbuktu I understand. I got DSL a month ago and I'm seriously in love. But I had to wait an extra day as someone forgot to flip a switch at the office. My luck! I live 20 miles south of Seattle, but have an arcaic phone system that is controlled from down south. Go figure. Home of Microsoft and I can't get internet until 2005!

Unknown said...

poor pooch!

Mamacita (The REAL one) said...

Got enough for me, too? I'll bring mustard.

mark said...

Sounds as if it would be a great story for Garrison Keillor to realte as a monalog from Lake Wobegon Some where out there on the edges of the prairie or in your case the southern approach to the "range" west by northwest of Duluth.

Grew up in Winona yeah "way down south" but used to listen to Steve Cannon on 'CCO as he talked about life on the tundra in the area around Eveleth and from his observations of life "up North" I only ventured their in the midle of summer.

Carolyn said...

Well, yes, I can identify as this kind of crap happens to me all the time too. (I was born with a sign on my back that says "Toss Your Crap Here")

Hope your doggie heals soon. But maybe you better not mention eating those 'hot dogs' in front of her, *wink*.

The Village Idiot said...

Poor Dog!

I have a cat that's in the dog-house right now, if you want to give your dog something furry to chew on during rehab! (just kidding). (I blogged about the cat incident if you're interested in seeing why the Idiot Cat is on my hitlist).

I love your blog, thanks for sharing!!

CheekyMoo said...

I hope she's ok! Poor baby! I like how she guards your homestead. Ours go outside first thing in the morning to patrol the yard and get rid of any brave pigeons or lizards that might have broken the perimeter. They're very brave. ;-)

Webmiztris said...

poor doggie!

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...