Blackfeet Nation, Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, Cherokee Nation, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, Choctaw Nation, Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Coeur d'Alene Tribe, Confederated Tribes of Siletz, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation - Colville Tribe, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Coquille Indian Tribe, Costanoan-Ohlone Indian Canyon Resource, Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana, Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe, Delaware Tribe, Tongva Nation, Gila River Indian Community,
Hopi Tribe, Mamit Innuat, Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Klamath Tribes, Lumbee Tribe, Makah Nation, Mohegan Tribe, Muckleshoot Tribe, Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Nation of Hawai`i, Navajo Nation, Oneida Indian Nation of NY, Osage Nation, Passamaquoddy Tribe at Pleasant Point, Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma, Penobscot Indian Nation, Powhatan Renape Nation, Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation, Sac and Fox Nation, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Secwepemc Nation, Seminole Nation of Oklahoma, Sitka Tribe, Southern Ute Tribe, Spokane Tribe of Indians, Suquamish Tribe, Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone Indians, Tulalip Tribes, United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, United South and Eastern Tribes, United Tribe of Shawnee Indians, Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California, White Mountain Apache Tribe, and Wichita and Affiliated. Tribes. And for Freedom Girl, the Winnemem Wintu Tribe.
As the label many forgetting and so few remembering.
(I must say this is the most controversial post I have ever posted. It's a strange feeling I have that my exercising freedom of speech can, on some level, be equated with being unpatriotic.)
(I apologize for missing any tribal nations...if you recognize that one is missing, please let me know and I will add it.)
In that case, I'll just wish you a very happy Monday. :}
That's one of the oldest and easiest bandwagons to jump on... Don't mean to sound harsh, but people need to understand, that the human race has been taking land since the beginning of time. You can't hold this against our country and not any other country.
Thanks DG, Mondays always need to be acknowledged...
swanny, first of as harsh as you like, I'm a big girl...but would like you to note that nowhere in my post did I do anything but point out my feelings..which are not a bandwagon. Thank you very much.
Nice. Thank you for this.
Can I borrow this post?
Dude, sorry you're mired in the past. It's that kind of thinking that keeps Arabs and Israelis killing each other . . . each nation, each person has a share of glory and shame. Each of the nations you listed has a legacy of glory, and shame. Learn from the past, and correct your mistakes.
Anon: While I agree that each of the nations listed has a legacy of glory and shame, I would like to point out that these nations do not have the legacy of their heritage which has be usurped and stolen. I do not advocate living in the past, only acknowledging it.
while I can see where you're coming from, I don't agree.
yes, the land was taken from the "native" people. No one, however, has stolen their heritage.
While I cannot say I have studied native americans, I have known many, being from land surrounded by Navajo Nation. I have been to the Gathering of Nations. One of my best friends is Navajo.
They still hold their ceremonies. They still have their culture. Yes, it has changed. Everything changes.
Very few of the people I have known are bitter about the land stolen from their anscestors, and most celebrate the fourth of July.
It's OK if you don't want to celebrate the 4th. But to say that America is the reason that the culture of the native americans was stolen is not giving anyone--"native americans" or "usurpers"--the credit that they deserve.
storm: I disagree that our heritage wasn't stolen: forced removal of children to "white" boarding schools, denial of rights to practice our own spiritual path, the long lasting effects of forced relocation resulting in poverty, higher suicide rates, dependency issues, and an ongoing struggle for existence within our terms.
I love how everyone gets all patriotlicious 3x a year (Memorial Day, Labor Day dn The 4th of July). Or as I refer to them 'Hillbilly Holidays.' i.e. "Let's go to the lake, get drunk and drown!...then get our mugs on the news talking about what a saint so-and-so was and how he/she had such potential" Yeah, I've seen that routine for the last 15 years.
Bottom line is patriotism isn't something you use to promote your political beliefs, stick on your windshield/back of your car or pull outta your ass 3x a year to show how patriotic you are. It's something you don't have to be defensive about in order to possess it. It's not something you use to bully other people into "proving" their allegience. That's just bullshit.
Bleah to the flag-wavers with an agenda. Sad how this resurgence of patriotism magically came about after something really bad happened. Apparenty that's what it takes to sell some flags...ribbons...magnetic ribbons for your car...political parties. It's the equivalent of not believing in God, then praying that everything turns out okay when you're suddenly in a bad situation. Gimme a break. Patriotism: bringing people together since 2001.
And that's why I loves me my Kirk...(plus don't I get extra points for not saying I have a "white" friend who agrees with me...oops, just lost those)
Kirk: The longer this nation infringes upon the rights of other nations, the less happy I am to celebrate the 4th of July.
Sara: I wish our country had a less sanguine history. However, my personal forefathers came here because they were chased out of their own homelands. While this nation may have committed (and continues to committ) many atrocities, for my ancestors the good outweighs the bad.
And meanwhile, I'm trying to do what I can to keep us from repeating the mistakes of the past: vote, write my representatives, and encourage others to do the same.
zandperl: I do recognize the freedom that this country has afforded to its citizens and others. I am not anti-US. I am only one who knows that an honest eye is one that builds the future.
Most of these remarks are directed towards the comments, not the post itself...
Yes, whatever we do, let's not just enjoy the day.
Talking about an agenda - give me a break!
You're right about "patriotism" only making it into the mainstream a few times a year, but maybe it's the conservative and/or liberal media that is to blame.
Also, I have a flag sticker on the back window of my car, and it's been there since well before 9/11.
We went to a local parade about a month ago (not for a holiday thoguh), and they actually had to broadcast an announcement for people to respect the flag. A real patriot does not dishonor his country.
A real patriot does not burn a flag, they change things, they vote, they blog. By the way, you got your agenda; I've got mine.
I actually enjoyed the post somewhat, but I really would have enjoyed more depth and examples.
100% awesome post, thank you. Too few people acknowledge this, and it was a breath of fresh air to see you share this.
Excellent post. Very poingant. I'm a decendent of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe...looks like you missed us!
Thanks ariadneK and Freedom Girl! This was turning into the most controversial post I have ever done. Surprise, surprise.
My, you seem to have stirred up a hornet's nest this time. I agree that Native Americans'were denied basic rights, I'm part Cherokee but didn't know until researching my family tree, and since I've become an adult I've attempted to learn more about my great-grandmother's people. While I'm saddened by all the terrible treatment and the cruelities visited on them, I'm still proud to be an American of any kind. I'd rather live here than anywhere else.
Thanks to the "Bugs.." Little did I know...I am not un-American, I just need to bring things up every once in while so that they won't go away!
Screw them, if they don't like your post. They don't understand how many mothers, children and elders were exterminated like an insect species so they could live in their posh suburban homes while exiles live on reservations.
This was awesome, I am actually very moved by the fact that you would even mention something of this caliber on ID'05. I am a registered Native American with very strong roots (who also happens to realize that nothing changes the past) and I feel that if more people were to go about it the way you have, there would be no need for the offense/defense aspect in the future (even though some people still find it prudent to contradict).
Thank you...
And, Kirk, you are a freakin' genius dude. That was pretty cool.
p.s. the only one I noticed right off that was not on there (tribe) was the Comanche Nation, which is why I was going to comment anyway, but then of course I had to read the comments and the result was ^. Happy 4th still...
Thanks Sara, I just hope one day, a native American from which ever tribe could become the President of America. I sure hope somebody is working on it.
Good on you for standing up for your beliefs.
You have a point and it's a good one.
cvk: yes there is a a loss and gain in everything, I am just acknowledging that.
PC2005: thanks, it was getting hairy there.
Desmond: There is so much that this nation needs to do for equality for all...thanks.
Superman: Zinn's book should be required reading.
ABaby: Thank you.
Cam: Thanks, I know that your nation has also had it's issues with native peoples...I don't mean to say that our countries aren't worth honoring, just that it is also worth remembering!
good for your for speaking your mind!
and you thought your last post on Tom and Katie is where you were going to get crap! ;)
Thanks for for your comment. Glad to see we're on the same page!
aweomse post. As a native myself it's nice to read that others are on the same page!
happy to see this post. that's a lot of work :))
excellent and timely post... reading our history books (history is always written by the victors), it's easy to forget the viciousness with which we perpetrated a virtual genocide on those living here before "our" arrival... the same story was repeated by the spanish in mexico, central and south america, the british in india, the western europeans during the crusades, etc... i don't happen to believe that squarely facing the truth of our history is "wallowing in the past..." what we do not choose to faithfully remember, we are condemned to repeat...
Dissent is patriotic
Interesting post, Sara. You clearly have some strong feelings on the topic. I am curious- if the remains of 'Kennewick man' prove that people of European ancestry were here before the Native Americans, would your feelings change on the matter? I notice the Northwest tribes are very much against learning what the science has to say about it... Just curious. Have a great day.
I didn't see the Comanche Native American Tribe mentioned.
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