Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I am now exploring Blog Explosi0n, not that my posts shall be as interesting as all of theirs, but it does allow me to surf blogs that are very funny, interesting, moronic, blah blah blahg...Anyway, I will be attempting to figure out:
1. How to get their icon on my blog.
2. How to creat hyperlinks to blogs I love.
3. How to be as creative as the rest of you out there.


Beth said...

Arrrgh! When surfing through Blog Explosion, comments get screwy with Blogger! So here's my second attempt:

For links on your blog, sign up with Forget trying to put up links through Blogger, it's a royal pain in the EVERYTHING. All you do with Blogrolling (it's free, BTW) is copy/paste the blogroll code into your blog template, republish, and start adding links. They don't have to be blogs--regular websites are fine too. Also, use the link they provide to do VERY EASY one-click additions to your blogroll. If you need help, it's not hard to find; tons of people (including me) use it. I'll help you if you need it.

About a permanent icon on your blog: that's a little more difficult, if you're new to this sort of thing. First set up a free photo-hosting account (I use Photobucket, but there are plenty of others--even Yahoo!). When you find a picture/icon you want permanently on your blog, save it to your PC. Then you upload it to your photobucket account.
Next, you have to get into your Blogger template and put in the linked "img src" photo. No, it's not that easy if you're a beginner. MAKE SURE you put it in the right place! Then save your template and republish.

If it's too much of a pain, just put up photos with individual posts with Hello, also free, much more simple, and useful for sending pictures to other Hello users.

Need help? Email me at bamapachyderm at yahoo dot com. I'm not at all "creative" like MANY of the bloggers I see, but I can get done what's gotta get done!

Princess Wild Cow said...

Thanks Beth...I have gone to the site, signed up and will now read it fifteen times before I attempt anything. I tried clicking on my blog explosion icon and apparently I did something wrong--hard to believe and it redirects me to the famous "It ain't where you said it was" page." Onward and upward.

Anonymous said...

Hello. I am a visitor from Blogexplosion. So it got you this visitor, anyway.


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