Monday, April 18, 2005


I'm sorry, but the days of me watching movies that will affect me for the rest of my life are over. Psycho and The Birds aside, I thought I was through with all of that.

Then along comes CBS with a grand production of Locusts that will star the amazing and wonderful Xena. Xena is still not enough to get me to watch it. Nope, not gonna do it.

In the third grade I remember Social Studies and all of the wonderful films that introduced me to the world outside of the one I lived in. Films about volcanoes, polar bears, Lake Titicaca (always good for a third grade giggle) and Africa.

What do they decide to show to a bunch of impressionable kids about Africa? Do they show Victoria Falls? The Serengeti? The Pyramids? Hell, no. They show us pictures of locusts and elephantitis. Great. At age eight, I don't think it is appropriate to darken a room and show swarms of locusts and diseased people. It has stuck with me all of this time. As an adult, I can choose to watch movies about things that I learned about as an adult. There isn't that emotional gut wrenching response to having bugs in you food and horribly distorted limbs.

So, CBS, on Sunday, April 24th I won't be watching your special. Lucy Lawless isn't even enough to get me there. Maybe if she was wearing that cute Xena outfit I would sneak a peak while surfing. No, on that night I think I will rent Dawn of the Dead and let my adult logic override the childhood fears. Thanks, anyway.


Helen said...

The Birds freaked me out, too! Also, the Blob - the ORIGINAL Blob, that is!

DementedPhotographer said...

Television? What's television?



Jason said...

I thought all the bad bug movies went out of style in the 70's!

The All Knowing said...

I actually watched a few minutes of the movie. It was weird. I didn't even no Xena was in the movie. You better watch out, them flying grasshoppers are coming.

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...