Saturday, April 16, 2005


Now I understand why you are such a messed-up Beeyatch! I often wonder, with all of your illnesses and onsite (meaning work) emotional breakdowns, why you are still at the infamous magazine?Oh, I forgot! It's infamous for being F-uped! And everyone knows you're the most f-uped!And you will never get fired because you are best friends with the COO. So until you're bf runs it underground (probally soon; she's an extremely bad buisnesswoman and boss) you're safe.But because I considered you a friend and know you lied to me, and misrepresented me on your blog, I don't believe your stories or feel any empathy about your past lives. This is a warning to all entrapped in her "poor me" snare!
# posted by Anonymous : 11:29 PM

This was posted as an anonymous comment on a previous entry of mine. I'm really sorry the person felt it necessary to post anonymously. But, I will put it out for all to see and I will comment on it.

A blog is a personal forum. I don't think I have said anything about anyone at my job that requires that kind of a response. However, that said, I have made remarks about people at work in a forum where they remain fairly anonymous and many of them are simply rants about a collection of things that have occurred. That said, I apologize for hurting someone's feelings. But, this is my page and I won't change what I say and do.

As far as my "past lives" (as you call the recollections of my youth) go, you can judge them however you wish. One of the things I have learned coming from such a place is that anger and abuse doesn't stop. I don't seek empathy, sympathy or anything from these recountings. They are for me. And, trust me, you all get to hear the funny ones...not the ones that I can't even put into words for myself.

My job and my friend are something that if you are still an employee of the company you can address with the owner. If you are not an employee, then I'm sorry you must take these feelings with you because they are affecting only you. Health problems are not something anyone wishes for themselves. When you have them, you deal with them openly and honestly and trust that everything will be fine.

And, any of you "entrapped in my snare", as it has been claimed, just in case you miss reading the comments, I put it up there for all of you to see and as far as Anonymous is concerned, I'm sorry you feel so angry about all of this, if I hurt your feelings it is because at times I can be an insensitive bitch, hopefully you can get on with your life now.


Mamacita (The REAL one) said...

People who don't sign their names aren't worth of any attention. Besides, I love being trapped in your snare.

Carolyn said...

Well, I'm new to your snare, lol! Seriously though, I just like your writings and your personality. I guess birds of a feather...

Blogs are different, but the main thing is, they belong to the individual who writes them. I rant on mine sometimes about people who've pissed me off, although I don't post actual names of my real-life foes for obvious reasons, and since most of them are family. On the other hand, if it's a politician or someone in the public eye, I will scream their name shamelessly, lol! After all, that comes with the territory they set themselves up in.

Sorry to hear about this problem, but I'm sure whoever wrote this will eventually give themself away (I'm basing this on assumption you actually work with this person & are physically around them?) I've been there & it's a pain in the a--, but I've learned in most cases, the "anonymous" ones stay behind a mask because they have no validity or proof in what they say, nor are able to make eye contact. This person is probably quite constipated too.

Anonymous said...

Some anon's leave good comment's, for the most part, I think they ought to take off the anon check completely, you see, when people post anon, usually they are letting their negative side talk, and other words "oh... I didn't say that in person, but in the back of my spinnymind of my head I did.. Well, something like that. Of course, you'll have some people comment and say, not all anon's are bad. I think 5 percent or less is only good. hehe....

Thanks for listening. I will alway's post real, my url, email..ect ,ect.. COme over and visit my blog! :)

Cooper said...

I don't mind annonymous comments if they make sense but if they are just trying to incite they should at least have the guts to leave their name.
I have gotten some annonymous comments but none were mean .I have gotten some email that was hateful for reasons unbeknownst to me and they were anonymous.

Nice blog, passing through via blog explosion.

Cooper said...

I don't mind annonymous comments if they make sense but if they are just trying to incite they should at least have the guts to leave their name.
I have gotten some annonymous comments but none were mean .I have gotten some email that was hateful for reasons unbeknownst to me and they were anonymous.

Nice blog, passing through via blog explosion.

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...