Today is International Weblogger's Day. "And, just what the hell is that?" you might ask. According to their site it is:"Bringing webloggers from around the world together on one day to celebrate a year's worth of changing the way the Internet sees personal journalism."
This past year or so that I have been doing this thing called "blogging," I have learned a goodly number of things and come in contact with a tremendous number of wonderful people and stimulating ideas. I have been entertained, informed, educated, and teased. I have made friends and I have come to know people with opinions much different than mine that I actually liked. I
have learned the joy of intellectual opposition. I have watched children be born and grow. I have "met" those that I am absolutely certain are doppelgangers of myself and living in a wheat field in Indiana.
I have sent gifts to and received gifts from people I wouldn't recognize if I passed them on the street. I have learned about your families and shared my family with you. I have copied recipes and talked about food. Learned about books, music and traveled to countries where kimchee is sold
on street corners.
During all of this I have waxed and waned philosophically, had pissing contests over immaterial matters and let others know that one more word would definitely end up with me sending them packing with their hat in their hands or stuck somewhere else.
I have laughed, cried, spewed, sputtered and marveled at the variety of folks out there. This blogging experience has held me in its grip and pulled more of me out into the public eye than has ever been done before. Thank you all, for all of that...and recognize what power is here.
Words and ideas in a free forum, to accept or reject, growing every day in scope...what does it mean, where will it go, what will it do? I don't know, but I'm absolutely sure I'll be sticking around to see.
Ain't it grand!!!! Blogging alows me to flex the muscles of my mind and to safely travel to places and meet people that would never happen in real life.
Great Blog. Cool stuff and very useful Info.
I'm new to the world of blogging and am just surfing - loved your comments on the world of blogging. Didn't know it was international thingy day! Have a great one :)
Thank you! Did not realise it was International Weblogger's Day... I'm glad I didn't miss it.
Blogging has opened a new world of expression, communication and connectedness with others through my computer screen.
It's an intimate world, with real people. I personally give thanks for learning about and being a part of this very important worldwide family.
Thanks again!
I just started blogging. What a great tool. Internatinal Webbloggers day is awesome.
Happy Webloggers' Day!
Happy Bloggers Day!
Shouldn't someone have hosted a blogger party? maybe next year.
yay! more power to us :))
Happy belated InWeDay! May bloggers all over the world be empowered today!
Amen to all of that. I stumbled upon blogging about 3 months ago, and haven't left since! It's addicting, interesting, and you do learn lots of little tidbits. And the people I've met so far, have been wonderful.
Gotta love the blog!!! =)
Have a good one.
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