I had my book club at Bunns and Noodles the other night. Now, since I had "worked" two hours by sitting around and discussing books with a group that has been together for over five years, I figured I had earned me some book purchases. The Dos Passos is for next months meeting. We will be finishing off the trilogy. The other is just pure mind candy for a woman that has so many books, she will have to read when she is dead.

The really sad thing is that I want the little doohickey over there on the right. You got it. It's an ACEPAD digital notebook. Only about $100. ("Only" Like I poop quarters every morning and just happen to have an extra 100 laying around...) I am a part of the bridge generation that started out with pencil and paper. I remember my excitement the first time I typed on an electric typewriter. Now I use a computer every chance I get...some might say too often. I have a tough time with certain of the newer gadgets, though. I never could get in the habit of the Palm Pilot. I would always get overwhelmed and the amount of time needed to get info in was not going to be very efficient for me. When I go to meetings, I take notes by hand. That's where they stay. On pieces of paper in a variety of folders that have doodles and notes intermixed. They never get transferred into the computer. With this and a USB transfer, all of my problems would be solved. Wouldn't they?
I think that palm pilots may go the way of the fax machine. They are hyped up to be "revolutionary" but seriously, I don't see them used too much. I've tried to use one before, they were just complicated.
... oops forgot about that book meme. sorry! :(
I had something similar to that once. It never quite worked the way I wanted. :( And then the batteries ran out and I couldn't find AAAA anywhere to save me.
I have a Palm Pilot. I think much depends on what you plan to do with it. I could hop on our Netwrok and surf the web or email. That is, if I had a wi-fi Palm. I bought mine and then a few months later, everything was wi-fi. I feel like I am stuck with a dinosaur.
now they have digital notebooks? what will they think of next?? digital ass-wipers??
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