Thursday, December 09, 2004

If you have an email address you have received offers from people willing to sell you with everything to enhance body parts you may not have, pills to help those parts be bigger, last longer, or improve your life and the not to be forgotten...get rich quick scheme.

Now even before I was involved in the blog experience where information on anything is spread like wildfire, I got one of the Nigerian offers of wealth beyond my wildest dreams. Now, I am not just another Anna Nicole, so it didn't take me long to recognize that this was a scam. So, I did not send my bank routing number and I didn't feel bad about it at all.

A few years later, I ran across this post. It has taken me a lot of work to find it again. The post has grown, there are now more "scamming the scammer" posts, but this was the first one I found and it had me in tears before I was done.

This guy kicks some ass in his ability to scam the scammers. He not only gets money from them, but works in a church, an inititiation that includes drawing a red circle around a body part, joining the circus all coupled with a picture of Niles superimposed on the body of a clown.
Save this for days when you need something to make you blow coffee out your nose.

If you have any other great ones like this, please, please, please, let me know!



DementedPhotographer said...

Some people will do anything for money ... which seriously causes me to wonder why I don't join them. ;)

Good thing I'm almost a nice guy.


Kimchihead said...

I keep getting e-mails from the same Nigerian! I can't believe people actually fall for that scam.

I am reminded of a similar scam when I was an undergrad, and e-mail wasn't all that widespread. Somebody posing as a beautiful woman sent out these e-mails asking people all over the world to send "her" currency from whatever country they happen to live, as "she" was putting together a currency collection from around the world.

I'll bet she was laughing all the way to the bank. :(

Kristi said...

hi, i haven't recieved any of these scams but did you see on the news about the postal money orders from nigeria ??

girlfiend said...

Dana at Bobofett wrote about her hilarious Nigerian scam hijinks.

Desmond Goh said...

Hi Sarah, first of all, thanks for visiting my site. Once a Nigerian sent a fake Bankers Draft drawn on London as payment in advance to purchase our goods and he demanded immediate delivery. We sent a fake bill asking him to send trucks to a certain airport to collect the goods. we have never hear from them since.

David said...

I know these scams get a lot of bad press, but I've made them work to my advantage. I've responded to no less than sixty two of these email advertisements and so far my penis is three hundred and twelve inches long.

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...