Monday, December 13, 2004

Well, it's like this. Now that my health has recovered I find myself back to working 48 hours a week. That coupled with an hour and a half drive to and from work daily, it kind of cuts into the old creative spirit. I will, hopefully, only be doing this through January. Part of it is due to the holiday season and I work in the music department at Bunns and Noodles and this is an easy way to pick up easy cash.

I say easy because it really isn't a tough job. And, the fact that I have been with the company for over ten or so years means that I make a fairly decent wage for my time. I also love music. It is a great way to find to spend money on CD's. I have said for years that in the long run, I have paid them to let me work there. I am not spending the money on me, though. Well, I am in a weird kind of way. Due to my illness and missing of work earlier this year I am a bit behind on medical bills. They tend to get a bit pissy when you don't pay, but, I have explained to them that sooner or later they will get their moolah. What are they going to do? Put the kidney stones back in?

It has also suddenly become winter. This means I awoke this morning to a high of seven degrees to look forward to during the day. This kind of weather means a bit more work. There's the ice to scrape off the car, the extra layers of clothing to stumble into so as not to freeze your ass off, breathing through a scarf ever so delicately so that you don't fog your glasses and driving on highways covered with the ever treacherous "black" ice. Black ice is, theoretically, ice that you cannot see. I can see it. It is shiny. The road is usually not shiny unless it is raining. It does not rain in seven degree weather. So, what the hell is the matter with the rest of these fools. Barreling past at 70 miles an hour, changing lanes, going off the road. If I see them far enough ahead, I will stop to check and make sure everything is ok. It is the Minnesota thing to do. If they do it right in front of me, I keep right on going. I refuse to hit my brakes and follow their stupid asses into the ditch.

Then there is just the energy it takes to stay warm. You can have all the layers you want and the cold will creep in. Not being a native Minnesota, I immediately tense up and try and become the smallest, cold thing there is. Wrong. So, I spend my time tightening up, reminding myself to relax, tightening up, and on and on and on. All of this can be very tiring and then there is eight hours of work and a drive home under the same conditions. Oh well, it keeps the riff raff out.

Caden and I watched Spiderman II Friday night. His review was quite clear. "I really liked it, except for all the kissing. And it was French kissing." I agreed and then asked him if he knew what French kissing was...I got the quintessential nine year old answer: "Yeah, it's like dog kisses, with their tongues all out and all. Yuck!" That's my boy. I can't wait until I see him with his tongue three feet down his girlfriend's mouth and I can embarass the shit out of him. As I've said before, "What good is power if you can't abuse it?"

So, I missed all of you and will surf until my mouse finger falls off tonight seeing what's been up with all of the Blog Exploders...stay warm!


DementedPhotographer said...

Good grief, girl! Be careful out there!


hearts81 said...

Black Ice... not something I'm very fond of. You have to wonder why other people don't realize that you are suppose to slow down. Hopefully we won't have a long winter ahead. Okay an eternal optomist here. Give me a hot summer day and I'm happy.

A Touch of Style :)

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...