Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Well, it's like this. Last Tuesday was Tina and Caden day, I knew what was in my bed, I was going to post it, and the blog ate my post. Twice. Then I had missed two days of work. Now, even though I only work 8 hours a day, when I get those days off, I turn into a child. Don't go to sleep until late, surf the web, watch Heaven's Gate (which will take up almost two weeks of time), blah, blah, blah. So that by the time I returned to work, I was still exhausted and had work to catch up.

It's hard to believe how much energy brain power takes out of you. Why the hell can't you burn calories with it. I would weigh half of what I do now, there'd be no guilt for refusing to get off my ass and exercise when I'd rather be sedentary, and it would probably cut my prescription drug use in half and I could take up the non-prescription again. Yeah, Granny was a pothead and can remember quite well swearing that they would have to pry that joint from my dead, dying fingers. Amasing how that perspective changes when your health does. Besides that, those munchies would have doubled that prescription drug use!

So, it's been work, crash, work, crash. Throw in a snow storm that made the distance in time an additional twenty minutes each way, and you can imagine how the withdrawal has been. And the ability to pile more shit on my bed has become beyond belief. Yes, folks, if I roll over I will poke my eye out.

Here it goes:

  1. Twisted (Jonathan Kellerman book)
  2. Teach Yourself HTML Visually (I’m a slow learner.)
  3. Time Magazine
  4. Newsweek Magazine
  5. Food & Family (A free magazine from Kraft Foods about my favorite subject, food.)
  6. Prioritize Organize (The book that my boss gave me, the presence of which shows I have not quite conquered its message.)
  7. Nicorette Gum (I am no longer addicted to cigarettes. No, now I crave the world’s foulest tasting gum.)
  8. Empy bowl and spoon. (Said bowl and spoon previously held and carried apple crisp. This constituted a fruit serving and since the crust was made with granola, provided ample roughage.
  9. A pack of Spearmint Gum. (An attempt to change gums. Not working. Will try and find crap flavored gum next.)
  10. DVD, Satellite, TV Remotes (These could be listed separately, but I’m starting to get embarrassed.
  11. Today’s mail. (I hate mail. With the advent of email, I now only receive bills and junk and who wants that?)
  12. Lie Still (Another book.)
  13. Book Lust (Oops, almost missed that one. Another book that explains the presence of all the rest.
  14. Four Pillows (Two are on the floor in the hole of darkness and death on the far side of the bed.)
  15. A ball point pen from TrueMajority.com (Yeah, I know, I lost, I am a loser, but damnit, I’m still proud to be blue.)
  16. The laptop. (My soulmate.)
  17. Me!

It's not getting better, it's getting worse. I thought that by writing it down I would improve my slovenly ways. Apparently not.

Coming tomorrow: The World's Best Nigerian Spam Website You Will Ever See. (If you don't agree, I will absolutely demand you forward your best to me and I will compare...)


DementedPhotographer said...

Where do you find room for YOU? You must be quite talented to sleep so still. ;)


Memphis Word Nerd said...

What, what, what? *insert mediocre South Park imitation* What is this Book Lust of which you speak???? The title alone lets me know that I *neeeeeeeeeeed* it. Pleeeeeeease *insert properly wheedling tone of voice* tell me what this is and who wrote it so that I can find a copy. The title makes me want a cigarette.

Oh, you just made my day! (is that sad or what?)

By the way: I originally meant to post a comment to tell you how much I like your blog but I got a little distracted by all of your wonderful reading material. The most recent post on my blog was a request for reading suggestions so this is PURRRRRRfect. Come post some more suggestions on my blog?

Suzanne said...

mmmm... nicotine gum!
My favorite!

Rich Rosenthal II said...

One of my pillows took a dive off the other side of my bed. I'm haven't decided to go after it yet. Figure the entire room is due a cleaning and it can wait.

Nicotine gum ick. Though my quit smoking method was to plauy video games non stop for hours on end and snap at anyone who tried to divert my attention away from the mind numbing video endorphins. Reading is good to but nothing that requires think just engaging fluff. Well for me at least.

Rico said...

Wow, you did have a ton of crap on your bed. Funny descriptions, keep up the good blogging

Kristi said...

hi,i've been here before several times but wanted to welcome you to the churchofsteelle !!!! and why in the world do you keep all this stuff in your bed ? where do you or your dog lay ?

Cori said...


Jay said...

Is there still room for you?

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...