Saturday, December 04, 2004

My dog kind of looks like this. Only grown up. Which makes her bigger. And her eyes are definitely more the color of urine, hence the nickname, "Old Piss Eyes." But, the real reason I wish my dog looked like this tonight is because...hold your breath (literally and figuratively)...tonight my dog is killing me. That cute little puppy up there has one less thing than my dog has. That's right folks. It's an asshole. For this evening my dog is paying me back in the most unkind way for giving her a rawhide bone to chew. Said rawhide bone was not just chewed, however, it was totally devoured and is apparently wreaking havoc upon said dog's digestive track and removing eyelashes and eyebrows from my face with its toxic fumes. And will she leave my room? No, because she loves me because I was so nice to her. If it weren't 15 degrees outside, she would be spending the rest of the night in the solitude of the great outdoors. Soon, she will be spending it outside of my room with the door shut. After I turn the fan on and try and clear the air, so to speak.

And then, being the jump on the wagon kind of person that I am, I decide to rush right over to the "Test Your Subconscious Mind Test" at Tickle (such and innocent sounding name) to find out that I am "driven by self-protection." Yes, and it is going to keep me from choking on my dog's farts as soon as I get this posted.

I hope you all are having a better evening.


Unknown said...

Not much better I'm afraid. My daughter brought home yet another stray kitten. I don't know what it was eating before it got here but the food she has fed him since is wrecking havoc with him as well. He jumped up in my lap earlier and like to have killed me. I thought my glasses were going to melt. I'd toss him outside, cause it's plenty warm enough here, but that's what happened to the last one. I think the landlord's dog ate it. Happy Holidays

DementedPhotographer said...

Hmmmmm ... Yeah, I my day has been void of any noxious gasses ... LOL.


The Little (Knitting) Hedgehog said...

It's all about giving them greenies :) The chlofophyll really helps cut down on the toxic butt stinkiness. And dogs LOVE them.

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...