Friday, January 14, 2005

Muzik Dude or How I Found My Way Back to How I Really Feel

I have to be put back on the right track every now and then and thank goodness Muzik Dude is there to whup my butt back into the reality of the world. (See comment, previous post!) I'm serious. I have a tendency to react in spaces and places where there isn't any real reason to. I did this for far too many years of my life. The reality now is that I am almost 58 years old, I'm tired of fighting the good fight, I vote, I never let an opportunity to be honest in my daily life pass me by...and I long to be be Phoebe!

You know Phoebe. "Stinky Cat" and all. I want to be funny, entertaining, shallow and, while not dismissing the pains of the world, live out the balance of my life in relative peacefulness. With a really sharp edge, politically incorrect whenever I want to be, hot dog eating, embarassing to my friends and family freakiness and a dog that loves me. Muzik Dude was right. And, if I had the energy to have a crush, I would have a crush on him. But, my time is taken up right now with too many important things. You are about to read about them.

It is 20 below zero here today. I refused to leave the house. Old Piss Eyes refused to go further than five feet from the front door for her morning crap and that gives me something to look forward to when it warms up. Poop patrol. And how am I spending my glorius day off? Watching tv, surfing BE and BlogClicker simultaneously, playing Yahoo games, trying to figure out how to type an umlauted "u", thinking about making a nice pan of potatoes and cheese and onions that I can eat with bacon and toast and eggs for dinner tonight, lathering my body in Vaseline to fend off the effects of the weather, laundry and wishing I had taken my ADHD medication last night. I took it this morning and I figure it will hit in the middle of this post and you will be trying to figure out where in the hell is she going with this.

Well, here it is. I am watching "Kiss the Girls." The great thing about this is I am sure I have seen it about three times already, read the book, and it's like a whole new experience. IAging is wonderful...something new day after day. And, I am saying the same things to the tv that I have already said before

For example:

Why does this woman, who lives alone, choose to get up in the middle of the night and investigate the noises in her house? Hello! 911, bitch, use the phone!

Why does this woman, who lives alone, choose to have fish for pets. Fish don't bark to tell you something is up. Think about it.

Why, when laying in a puddle of water, she is hit with a Taser does she not have serious burns from the electricity running through her body? Wouldn't you think that would happen?

And, how in the hell, after going through all of that, can Ashley Judd and all the other women this psychotic dude kidnapped still have their make-up on?

The only thing that is really surprising is that she didn't run into the basement, with no outside exit, to escape this guy.

Okay, now to the laundry and reassure all of you that I really, really promise not to get caught up in all that other stuff I find to be horribly tedious...the next day. Thanks for the reality check. And, Mr. Dedd, you're starting to tickle my fancy, too!

She-e-e-e's back!


DementedPhotographer said...



It's -20 friggin degrees beyond hell freezing over?

Explain to me, again, why you live up there.

-G (basking in 50-something warmness)

Unknown said...

haha, have watched this film about 3 times as well :)

Ignatius M. Dedd said...

thanks so much, sarah. wish you could have known me when I was *alive*...

Webmiztris said...

it irks me that they STILL make all women out to look completely stupid in movies!


Jean said...

Well, I am glad that I am not the only single, obsessive compulsive ADD person that forgets to take their ritalin. :)


Melaina RN, PHN, MS, CNS, ACHPN said...

I love the spirit in your writing. Thanks for the laughs.

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...