The old standby worked. Until I decided to quit taking it. The Great Pumpkin Cheesecake Fiasco struck again. I called Kristi (my twelve year old doctor, okay, she's not twelve, she looks twelve) and her words, "You need to let nature RUN it's course, no more Lomotil, drink plenty of fluids, eat lightly and plainly." (Emphasis mine.) So, day two at home with a disgusting repeat of yesterday.
Have no fear movies are here! Or, as they can be referred to, "Women in Trouble who have no idea what to do until The Man comes along," or "Women who have lost their memory and have to relearn how to make toast," or "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING, CHANGE THE CHANNEL, YOU STUPID BITCH."
So, today I am working from home on spreadsheets, reading a stack of books, surfing blog explosion while trying to avoid explosions of my own and cracking up at the fact that one's life can be so turned around by poor eating habits. I promise to do better, I promise to do better, I promise to do better.
One of the first things I did upon finding out that MSN was starting a blog site (only they call it "spaces") was run right over and register my beloved Princess Wild Cow. I probably won't use it at all, but I wanted to protect some other cow from trying to cash in on my infamy. Call it the equivalent of pissing in the corner of the blog roll.
So, back to work, interrupted only occasionally for a game of chance on Yahoo games, Blog Explosion, and wishing I had purchased those flushable ass wipes I saw in the store. Silly me, I mocked them at the time. Little did I know how much I would love to have them right now. Okay, TMI. Too bad, I'm suffering and so will you.
Yet another reason pumpkin cheesecake, or pumpkin anything for that matter, is evil.
Hope you are feeling better soon. :)
Well, at least you're home ...
We had pumpkin cheese cake and while I wasn't exactly happy with it (I want my cheese cake plain. or with chocolate chips) I can't quite say its evil. We had no whipped cream for the pumpkin pie. that was evil.
I found your site via blogexplosion. Thanks for the warning about msn and their blog "spaces." Gesh! I also signed up my name, and their blog is REALLY annoying to use.
I hope you are feeling better!
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