Sunday, January 09, 2005


We've had some pretty crappy weather up here in MN lately. Between sub-zero temps, ice storms and 14 inches of snow it has been just delightful. And, delightful to drive in. In the Great Northwoods it is common to see dead animals at the side of the road all year round. What happens in the winter is that there are dead, frozen animals at the side of the road.

Here is where the monster rears her ugly head. This morning as I was driving to work, I turned left onto one of the many country roads that I take into town. I check to make sure that there are no animals waiting at the side of the road to jump out and use me as a manner of suicide. And, I'm a little confused. There's something weird sticking out of the snowbank about a half a block ahead. I slow down, take a look, take another look, and the first thing that pops into my head is, "Damn, I wish I had my camera...nobody is going to believe this and I could post it on my blog."

What was it? It was a dead dog that had been hit by a car and then scooped by the plow to the side of the road. What made it interesting...or bizarre...was the fact that it's back legs were in the snowbank and it was facing the road with its paws up and looked like one of those statues that people used to tie their horses up know the ones.

Holy shit. Here was a dead dog at the side of the road and all I could do was think about how I could exploit it. All day long I worried about whether or not it was some kid's dog...and then I'd switch to...I wonder if it will still be there when I head home, maybe I could get my camera and come back. Back and forth it went, "Gosh, I hope someone moves it before the owner sees it," to "Please let it still be there when I go home."

I feel bad, but, I justified by the fact that one year I kept a running total in the car of the kinds of carcasses along the road. Yeah, it's an exciting life, I know. But, the bottom line is, it was amazing. I wished you could have seen it. (Yes, I own a dog, yes, I would feel terrible if it were my dog, and yes, I would have taken a picture of it if it had been my dog. I'm just sick that way and besides, the dog knows just how weird I am.)


DementedPhotographer said...

There are some images that, disturbing though they may be, are instantly indelible. We can't get them out of our heads. So, sharing is natural.

Hope your Monday goes well.


Webmiztris said...

now that's just disgusting.

but I would have totally taken a picture too. ;-)


Suzanne said...

Hey, if you kept a running list one year, the next logical step is photographic documentation. It's a natural progression.

I hope the dog went quickly. Yeah. Fast.


Anonymous said...

i so understand the "damn, i didn't bring my camera out so now i have to get a substitute picture for the blog" feeling.

Anonymous said...



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