Wednesday, January 12, 2005

You are a Radical. Right on!
What kind of Sixties Person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wow, man, far out. As if I didn't already know. There are many stories from those days that I could is one. There used to be massive anti-war (Viet Nam, for those not old enough to remember) demonstrations going on at Griffith Park on a regular basis. Those with attitudes could be expected to be arrested. Guess what? Yep, I was arrested.

In those days we didn't carry ID for good reason. So, when arrested, fake names were given since we were bound to be released rather quickly because the jails were not set up to handle a lot of long haired hippie freaks. On two occassions, one day right after the other, I was busted. The first day my name was Holly Focker. Said without blinking, this went right past the overworked booking officer as she printed me and pushed me into another line to be taken to a holding cell. The next day, the same booking officer booked me as Olivia D. Puck. Ahh, the idiocy of childhood and ideals. The second day, however, they weren't as friendly.

Apparenty, the cells weren't as crowded and I found myself being hustled off to a cell in Sybil Brand. That was the name of the women's jail. I started getting just a little nervous. I mean, if they were going to hold me to be bailed out, none of my friends knew just what kooky name I had given them. So, I started arguing. Or, rather, yelling and cussin'. This led one of the big, burly female guards to threaten me. Or, so she thought. I believe her exact words were, "Calm down, little missy, or we'll throw you in the Daddy tank." Daddy Tank? Well, it took me all of two seconds to figure that one out and I responded by trying to swing on her.

True to her word, into the "Daddy Tank" I went. For those of you who don't know what the Daddy Tank is, it is where they separated the "Lesbians" from the rest of the population so there would be no "problems." I was nineteen and looked about fifteen and these women were no threat to me. So, there I was, finding true love, getting free cigarettes and being treated like the Princess I was to become. This was well before the days that people recognized that "Lesbians" or bi-sexuals could look like anything other than a white t-shirt-wearing-women-with-Marlboros-under-the-sleeve dyke. (Not that there's anything wrong with that...tee hee)

I was out within two days and had absolutely no problems with the women in the "Daddy Tank." I still chuckle today when I think about it. The biggest concern I ever have had was if I was to get hit by a car with no id on me, how would they know who I really was? Olivia, Holly or ??????


Anonymous said...

man, I've never been arrested.

I feel so uncool. ;-)


Anonymous said...

really groovy!

hit by a car and no ID? that's why moms tell us to wear clean underwear ;))

Anonymous said...

sheesh, forgot to sign my name. that was me with the underwear comment!


Anonymous said...

oh Angela Davis!!! lol! Well wasn't arrested during those years...i waited until i decided to become a pastor to be arrested...spent the night in jail with Al Sharpton!!!


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