Monday, November 15, 2004

I realized I was coming up on 5,000 hits. Is that 5,000 Blogexplosion Hits? Does anyone else read this? I guess I feel like if 5,000 people have been looking at this, do they get pissed everytime it's the same old shit because I haven't had time to blog? It's funny. Or not. I feel a bit of performance anxiety...will you still love me if I don't have something everyday? Should I care? Everybody else has stuff. Sometimes, I just work and go home and don't think about writing. And, now I feel guilty. I left Catholicism behind a number of years ago. Is this a vestige of that? Or is it just general insecurity raising its ugly head? I can write mundane things, but who cares if I cut my nails, put a hole in my sheets because they are twelve years old, forgot to get my prescriptions refilled, my roommate hit a deer, or the motion light broke and I hate electricity and have to fix it myself? Maybe I should revisit that line about prescriptions. Or, maybe it's just time for me to be whiny and moody. The only good thing about this is I am doing it at work. I will think of something funny tonight...maybe, or hell, I could just make something funny up. No, maybe I'll do the "What Eventually Led to the Downfall of My First Marriage" story and that will perk me back up. Thanks to you all for reading, leaving comments and general putting up with my sometimes inane crap.


DementedPhotographer said...

Are those just "hits" or are they "unique hits?" A standard hit is logged every time another computer pings a file, whether the page ever actually comes up or not. The same person can come back to your page 100 times and it will log 100 hits. In that case, 5,000 hits isn't really all that many. If they are unique hits, they are only counted once per period based on IP address.


Princess Wild Cow said...

Okay...figured out the unique hit thingie now. Now I'll see how many are new and how many are just repeats from BE, right?

annette said...


The pressure is on!


RuKsaK said...

Hey - with stories it's like this:
You got a shit car, but can drive like Schumacher or you got a Mercedes and no license.

Me, I got a Toyota and am crap at parking.

Kirkkitsch said...

Trust me, don't sweat it, Sarah. Sometimes I debate whether or not I should write about things that will piss people off or alienate them, then I remind myself whose blog it is: MINE. Sure, I like (and hope) that people read my blog, but even if they don't I'd still be writing. The only difference between what I've been keeping in journals all these years and what I blog about is that now I have an audience. Besides, I'm not sure people that are that easily offended and/or alienated by a total stranger's OPINION, are people I'd want reading my blog anyway.

So, in short: write about WHAT you want, WHEN you want. Your loyal readers will be around when you get ready.

What's that saying? 'Dance like nobody's watching.' Well, I say BLOG like nobody's dancing....wait that's not right....well, you know what I mean. ;)

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...