Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Posted by Hello
It's been a busy week and I have been even more of thrashing slob than usual. I tend to hoard and when I am busy I tend to toss. Enough justification, here goes
    1. Teach Yourself HTML Visually (getting to be like a partner, but, not quite.)
    2. Three remotes (tv, dvd, satellite--hmm, a three way.)
    3. A jar of Nutella (ok, I ate it on an apple, that counts as a meal, doesn't it?)
    4. Prioritize Organize (book--from my boss, for me to read, think she's trying to tell me something?)
    5. Time Magazine (all the news that's almost fit to print from the mainstream media.)
    6. Utne Reader (Readers Digest for the liberals.)
    7. A long underwear shirt that I had to put on last night because I had decided I didn't have to close the window just yet. I was wrong.
    8. New York Times Book Review
    9. Mail order catalogue from Ebiza (for those that are interested, I would like the $198 Quan Yin Buddha on page 65.)
    10. An empty Pringles can. (Originally purchased for grandson, picked up a new one tonight when shopping for Thanksgiving.)
    11. Two unopened DVD's from Netflix that I haven't even had time to look at because I am too busy feeding my internet addiction.
    12. "Touchy-feely" handout from work on Group Dynamics and Team Concepts. Blech!
    13. Pile of laundry that I am definitely going to put away tonight before they fall on the dog hair covered floor and have to be washed again.
    14. The laptop and me. A tired me.

This, of course, gives me just enough room to lay quite still and in a perfect straight line, any movement and piles of stuff will go rolling off of the far side of the bed into the morass of the unkown goodies. (That, my friends, is a very scary place.)

Now there is really no need to feel badly for me...I know I wouldn't be so tired if I ate better than Nutella and Pringles. And if I had put the laundry away before I lay down with the laptop it wouldn't be blocking the remote's ability to change the tv from "America's Biggest Losers"

But, tomorrow is another day and I will be cooking and and preparing for Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday for a number of reasons. I will be surrounded by family and friends, the food, the pies and....hold onto your hats...the food fight! This has been a tradition for 27 years. And this year Caden is the same age as Tina was when it started. Tina has never appreciated it, Caden and I love it. I promise pictures and we don't toss anything good...the jello, the stems and seeds of the mashed potatoes, and one year there was one deviled egg that landed directly on my cheek and stuck there, much to the delight of Caden, who threw it.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends and you are all invited to the food fight, the more the merrier!


DementedPhotographer said...

Ya' know what's scary? Your bed just sounds SO cozy.

I LOVE the idea of the food fight! What better time!


Anonymous said...

Not so scary. That's exactly what my bed looks like, although, switching items from your personal life to items from mine.
Nice to know I'm not alone.

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