Today I am one tired, sorry cow. The princess and the wild are sleeping right now. Just like I wish I were. But, no, I am at work. And really working hard, as you can see.
We ended up with seven for T'day. On Thursday I got up feeling like I had the world by the tail and by the end of the day I knew it was my tail that was whipped. Cooking and eating can be such hard work, you know.
Highlights of the day included the holding of hands around the table and talking about what we were thankful for. Of course, my daughter and I get misty everytime this happens. And then it was Caden's turn. He turned the mood around immediately by letting us all know that he was grateful for being a "spoiled Kid." At least he recognizes it. I am of the firm belief you can't spoil children. It is necessary to teach them acceptance and respect..."spoiled" children don't have those things. My boy is such a sweetie that after the dinner he came over and climbed in my lap to be rocked like he was when he was a baby. Now this boy is 5'4" tall and just snuggled up next to me while I sang all the songs that I sang to him when he was small...what a moment. I will remember it as being one of the most touching things that has ever happened. I am so lucky.
And, yes, we did have the food fight. With no snow here yet, we decided to have it outside. Easier to clean. The only disadvantage was the little squirt's ability to run just out of reach of my throw. We got each other pretty good, though. When I thought it was over and about to go back inside (it was only 25 degrees) he comes over and takes a handful of food and totally smashes it into my face. What a boy. Takes after his Granny.
Then it was dessert time. Although we were all groaning, out came the pies and we forced ourself to have just a little more. And they were great. We sent quite a bit of food home with everyone, but I am more than happy to have them carry it on their hips as opposed to mine.
By bedtime, I was one
. I crawled upstairs and was ready for slumberland when the phone rang. Tina's car had sopped running. Up gets the butt. I go to pick them up and head back to the house, deal with AAA, loan her my car to get home, eat a turkey sandwich, crawl back up the stairs and crash. I rode in with my roommate this morning and couldn't believe it when she asked "Are you getting up?" I slept for nine solid hours and could have packed in another four or five.

All in all it, was the best Thanksgiving ever. It always is. I am truly blessed. Even if I did have mashed potatoes in my ear this morning.
I'm not American, but a good turkey sarnie could help me doubt my nationality.
Awwwwwwww ... I don't care how big they get, there's always room for them in your lap. At various points across the weekend, all three of mine were there. :) Glad to hear the food fight went well. :)
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