This magnificent article was created by Anne Tainter and pretty much sums it up.
Yesterday I was Drama Queen Extraordinaire and thanks to some of my blogger friends managed to get over it a lot sooner than I thought I was going to.
As I lay in bed last night, trying to go to sleep, I realized that my entire life has been a musical, except I never knew which song was playing. So, I started the list for yesterday. A little "Don't Cry for Me Argentina," followed by some Country Joe and the Fish, don't forget Janis, and then to top it off, "Illegal Smile" by John Prine. The crescendo would be reached at the end of the movie with "Look on the Bright Side of Life" from our old friends, Monty Python.
By this time, I had tickled myself. (No, not that way!) I was having so much fun making this crap up that I didn't go to sleep when I was supposed to and was late to work this morning. After everyone tip-toeing around me yesterday, they were quite surprised to see me come in humming my very own "musical." A few guessed that John Prine had helped me out last night and the others got no explanation. Tough break, kiddies.
The sarcasm has risen to the top again and coming soon will be an explanation of the origin of "Princess Wild Cow" and how I wish I had met her much earlier in my life. Enjoy the day, folks, and never say "that man's name" in my presence.
This is going to sound silly, I know, but what does it for me is sitting back and remembering the antics of the late Captain Kangaroo, Mr. Green Jeans, and Bunny Rabbit. No matter how bad the day is going, remembering all those ping pong balls never fails to make me smile.
And no one ever understands. ;)
Love that picture!
I enjoy your blog. More tales of Minnesota culinary disasters, please. I couldn't believe the Tater Tots casserole.
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