I'm sure you all recognize the reference. This whole BE point system is strange. When I first started to surf the wave of BE, I noticed that I had been rated with a number of different scores. I took them to heart and learned a little bit more about HTML, tried to be as entertaining as some of the others I was reading and didn't take it personally. I rated the same way. Then I started realizing I didn't want to do any of that anymore. If I read a blog and I liked it, for whatever reason, I gave it a 10. I expected no reciprocal rating. If I couldn't give a 10, then I passed on through. I just figured that my criteria for judging was based only on what I liked and didn't like. If the world were only run this way you would all have had corned beef and cabbage for dinner tonight and would regret it tomorrow.
Then there came the whole censorship thing. I hate censorship. I am quickly adding all of the people I have come to know through BE to my links so that I won't lose them if I ever find myself the victim of some serendipitous decision based on who knows what. So, now we have points and censorship.
I decided to read the terms of service regarding content. Apparently you can ask to have your blog identified as having profanity in it. If you are a teenager, it is recommended that you have your parents sit with you when you start so that they can see what you are experiencing. (Right!) There is a mention of a warning and the ever present threat to have your privileges revoked. This is also presented in a somewhat confusing and grammatically challenged format.
I thought that one of the prerequisites for joining BE was that you have a blog. Apparently not. When I signed on tonight, I started surfing, then went to see if anyone had rated me. There were a couple of new ones...thanks for the tens. And one that had given me a one. So, out of curiosity I clicked the name pistolpete (http://www.blogexplosion.com/members/showpage.php?Username=pistolpete) to see "Whassup?" (Sorry, my HTML just failed me and I don't have time to figure it out now.)
Sorry this user has not have a blog added to their account yet.
What does this mean? Can you have a BE account without a blog. What am I missing? From the name "pistolpete" I can only assume that there was some political, social, intellectual, or humor strain that I had offended.
I don't care about the one. I just want some consistency. I want the rules to be really clear. I want to know where the line is so that if I choose to cross it, I do the choosing and by doing so, accept the consequences. That's all.
And, tomorrow, we will be talking about Asian Beetles...with pictures and more tales of woe. And I promise the soapbox will be put away and I promise to be a good girl and I promise, promise, promise to redevelop the crankiness about insignificant things that make my life meaningful.
I'm not tolerating BE any more. I'm in full-on boycott mode.-G
Geez, Louise! I didn't realize people could see exactly what you rated them! I just thought you could see WHO rated them, until I went over to BE and clicked on "Rating (33 Votes)" for the first time. Yikes! I can only see the first 5, though and the rest all say "N/A," whatever that means.
I'm pretty evil when it comes to rating (1, 6, 10), so I'm sure it will soon come back to bite me on the ass. Oh well. Besides, after one of this week's posts (I write most of my blog posts weeks in advance), I'm sure someone surfing via BE will complain and I will join the ranks of the excommunicated. C'est la vie.
Yeah, Ive noticed some folk's are rating blogs without blogs of their own. One joker gave me a 1, I think because I tend to be liberal and his blog was very conservative and I considered for a moment reciporacting his "generosity", but then decided it wasn't worth it.
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