Saturday, November 06, 2004

Nothing like waking up at 6:30 on a Saturday morning with no work to go to, the continual sneezing of the cold that won't die, and a dog that is scared to death because hunting season has started, we live in "Deer Central Station," and the guns they are a-firing. And yellow-eyed dog (who I have decided to refer to from now on as "Old Piss Eyes") is trying to crawl under the bed.

Whatever to do? Ah, that wonderful addiction raises it's ugly head and I head on over to Blogexplosion to see what my new internet friends are doing. Mamacita is voicing what I feel about the whole blog advertising crap that is out there. You go, girl. Kirk has found some more of his extraordinary buys on e-bay and works in his ever present nose fetish in a most tasteful manner. Zero Boss is reinforcing Mamacita about this advertising crap that is floating through our worlds. And, now for The Church of Steelle with its ever so special steeples. Where, on my list of Blogmarks, has it gone. I e-mail him, "Where in the hell are you and what did I do wrong that you are hiding from me." (The "All About Me" syndrome strikes again.)
Here is his reply: (Directly from my sacrosanct e-mail.)
"They dropped me for "blatant sexuality" on Thursday. I'm guessing either someone complained or else the use of the word "masturbation"set off some filter they have running"

Now, I recognize that this may be living on the edge for me, be ready to find my ass kicked for using the "M" word, even in context. Since his explusion, he has posted some things that probably would have gotten him booted earlier, but, as far as I am concerned...This sucks the big one.

There is that toggle up on the top to "skip" the blogs that you find offensive, for whatever reason. I find it much more offensive to read about how stupid I am because I exercised my right to support a different political candidate than others, that if I don't give my soul the one true "god" I will burn in eternal damnation and how for a nominal fee, I can avail myself of whatever useless service or item you can sell me. I have even run across a few in a foreign language...not counting the ones that are in "grammar and spelling impaired" English...and you know what, that doesn't bother me, but is on the list of no-nos from our host.

I am pissed. I am thinking of a Blogexplosion Revolution. I am not real sure how to start this or carry it out...But I am definitely working on it.

Maybe the first start would be to see how many of us can work in the word "masturbate" and see if it gets our asses kicked. I will also attempt to work in the word "dildo" in every post I make to carry the flame.

Okay, now, I will get my coffee. That's how pissed I am, I did all of this pre-coffee. Think how tense I would have been with my coffee buzz.

Posted by Hello


Brooks said...

I know of plenty of blogs that I could see people being offended by, but they're still on there. Hmmm. Maybe it's just a matter of time. Anyway, I read a blog last night where someone surfing through BE gave him a comment about how he was offended that the blog had "fuck" in it. How many more tools do we need in that little bar up top to help these puritans? Click one of them if you don't like it dumbass!
Brooks Blog

Brooks said...

Oh and one more thing. If I like a blog, I don't blogmark it. I right click it and open it in another window (without the blog explosion frame above) and bookmark or blogroll it. That way I don't have to worry about it disappearing.

C said...

you go, girl.

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...