Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Posted by Hello
I keep reading all of these lists that people have on their blogs. 100 Things, What I'm Reading, What I'm Listening To...and on and on and on.
I have decided to start my own specialized list:
1. Mysterious Case of the Dog in the Night (Book)
2. Plot Against America (Book)
3. Socrates Cafe (Book)
4. Odd Thomas (Book)
5. Last Sunday's edition of the New York Times
6. Cooking (Magazine)
7. Colors (Magazine)
8. Blistex (Lip balm)
9. Six pillows
10. Three Remotes (Television, DVD, Satellite)
Now, don't think that this is ordinary. Usually there is more. I just cleaned it off on Sunday and this is what has accumulated since then. The nice things about this list are:
It's my bed...all mine.
None of these things fart or snore.
When these things fall off the bed, it just makes room for new stuff tomorrow.
They're my books and I can drool on them if I want to.
All these things keep the dog out of the bed.
A few people might feel that this is a sad testament to my life. I don't. I love it.
(Coming soon: The funniest story from each of my three marriages. Serialized.)


DementedPhotographer said...

The only problem I have with that list is that it DOES seem rather short. I would think there might be some ramdom undergarments, or perhaps a stray sock tossed in there. ;)


Rich Rosenthal II said...

I'd be afraid of paper cuts. I have piles of books near the bed and some boxes with a failed attempt at organization. Magazines at the foot and a shelf full of reading material on the other side of the room. I like keep the bed free for blankets and pillows.

Princess Wild Cow said...

You must have missed the blog on what all is in my bedroom. I also have the bookcase, with books dangerously perched on the top, stacks of magazines and books to be read, stacks of cd's ready to go in my cd database and all of the laundry that I am going to pick up the next time. And, Garrison, I can't stand the idea of going to bed with socks...Ugh...but I also have a neurotic phobia of having blankets touch me, too. Nothing fuzzy...and as far as underwear, with what I have in bed with me, there is no reason to ever remove them. Ahh...poor Sarah.

Anne said...

Must be a huge bed :>

C said...

When i was single my bed was kinda like that but this was what you would find:
Pack of smokes
bottle of water
people magazine
Us magazine
tv remote
vcr remote
apron from my waitress job.

now the only thing you find in my bed is my dear husband and the tv remote, those were the days.

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...