Friday, November 19, 2004


(Warning: This entry may contain words that can only be used to discuss the fucking stupidity of some fucking people!)

So, Friday night. The Cade isn't here because he has his first basketball game tomorrow morning. It's a strange Friday night for me. No kid, no kid movie and no frozen pizza in bed. Oh, what the hell. I guess I'm forced to surf blogexplosion for a bit. (Read: Bleary-eyed Sarah trying to wake up before noon on Saturday morning because she is possessed with this new addiction.)

I'm happily going along. Running into old favorites and then I find an old friend that I haven't seen in a while...VoxEfx. I'm merrily reading on and there it is, the poster for the movie that Caden has been wanting to see. So, I read. And I start to seethe. I can't believe it. I follow the links. Then I follow the next link.

These fucking people have pushed me over the edge. Now I have to listen to these assholes tell me about the subliminal message of a cartoon. And what is that message? They state that Shark Tale is a thinly veiled approach to "normalize" "homosexuality" with messages like "swimming against the stream" really means "coming out of the

Right! Or, rather, WRONG!!! How stupid do they think we are? Certainly nowhere near there abysmal lack of grey matter they exhibit. I can't fucking believe it. It's a fucking cartoon. Give me a fucking break. And that is only the beginning of the rant.

Who do these pseudo-religious, "holier than thou," homophobic sons of bitches think they are. That bastard in the Grey House is giving these people the right to spread their hate with his goddamned "moral" message. Well, they and he can kiss my royal queer ass. I have had it with these hate-mongerers trying to take their moralistic bullshit into every venue they can. Who cares if the goddamned shark is gay, vegetarian, Buddhist, vegan, libertarian or whatever. As I said before, it's a fucking cartoon.

And, if the message is one of swimming against the stream, good for them. Without swimming against the stream the whole idea of democracy would be buried up the ass of this country as we bowed to the Queen. (Queen? Did I say "Queen?" Oh, my god, their pervasive brainwashing is everywhere!) If being able to be who you are in spite of all around you, then Nelson Mandela would have faded into the background of an all-white South Africa. If these assholes want to see what they want to censor, then the next time they want to pray, maybe they should do it in the Sistine Chapel and look up and see what could not have been if their shit-hole opinions carried any weight.

Do I feel any better having written this? Yes and No. I hope you respond to this. One way or the other. I hope my anger prompts me to confront the racism, sexism, homophobia and whatever kind of hate these assholes are spreading with even more fervor. I hope that my grandson can grow up to be whoever he is without having to face this kind of hatred. And, I hope that my anger about this will only fuel others into action.

I suppose saying "Go in peace" would be a little bit of an anachronism right now. But, anger and peace are not separate. My fight for peace and the equality it brings is fueled by anger and sadness. So, go in peace, and kick some ass on the way!


girlfiend said...

It never ceases to amaze me that the majority of organizations that claim to be pro-family are so full of hatred. What a bunch of assholes.

League of Night and Fog said...

When it comes to religious fascism, the Bible Belt has never ceased to amaze us.

Pray that it will only EVER be a war of rants, for if Christians in your country ever attain true power, kiss your civil liberties and your democracy goodbye.

As for George Bush allowing religious hatred to spread unabated, Hitler never stopped his stormtroopers in the middle of a pogrom. Why should Bush? Both are one and the same.

Speak with the Artificially Intelligent Teddy Bear Oracle

Russ said...

I totally agree with you. It's sad that some people can't accept people different from them. It seems the complainers have a problem with Lenny the shark being "effeminate." Well there certainly are masculine gay men, and effeminate straight men. Effeminate doesn't mean anything. It's obvious that the writer of that article didn't grasp the message the movie was trying to give - accept and love others even if they're different.

Robin said...

I always took "swimming against the stream" to just mean trying something different,like maybe a new food or a new challenge. Does it have to mean gay? And if so, why?????? Are sharks even gay? I have better things to worry about than gay!

Kirkkitsch said...

If that pissed you off, then you'll love this little Christian nugget I ran across while surfing on BlogExplosion today:

I also found this via BlogExplosion, too. A parody of the site above:

Ignorance is rampant these days. As a gay man, I've just gotten used to it. Sad that you should have to 'get used' to hatred being a "family value."

Princess Wild Cow said...

OH MY HOLY SHIT! I knew about that bastard, but his website is reprehensible. But, the shrimp thing put me back into a mood that kept me from going and buying a legal assault rifle.

PATCAM 2009 said...

You know, this is probably going to offend somebody, but oh well... Before this religious hypocracy uprising, I used to be homophobic as all hell. But after they started banning gay marriage I thought to myself, "the 14th ammendment serves all of us with equal protection under the law." What part of being gay makes them (gay people) unequal? So what they want to do what they believe is natural. I have gained alot of defensive positions since for gays. If the bastards in the Hell House can determine what is right and wrong, then I would rather fight for the wrong side and know that morality is not monopolized by a christian uprising. I salute all gays and say to them, if being gay is so bad, why hasn't any of those butt crunchers slammed Dickhead Cheney's daughter yet...? Keep believing in what you feel is right, and I will keep trying to keep an open mind about it. I'm not thinking of becoming gay or anything like that (I love my sweethart), but I won't be one of those intolerant assholes who doesn't understand what equal protection is all about...

Heather said...

People always tailor thigns to their own agendas. Aieee. Wonder if they ever stop and think... maybe it would be a bit easier if things weren't so complex...

RuKsaK said...

Everyone knows that Shrek is in denial and likes Fiona because she's like a man.
Woody is asexual, whereas as Buzz Lightyear has a feltch fetish.
Mickey Mouse is the biggest porn king in animation and Snow White is an ex-whore, hiding out from her ex-pimp by giving sexual favours to 7 short blokes.

cul said...

thankfully your blog demonstrates that there are still folk out there who have not been consumed by the evangelical insanity...good job!

Kristi said...

haven't seen the movie have to see it now ! wow.

DementedPhotographer said...

I have two reactions.

1. How did I not get notification of this post? I'm subscribed to your RSS feed, yet this one didn't show up on my list. Hmmmm...

2. Yes, I saw the movie. I took all three boys to see the movie. Is Lenny gay? Maybe, although I would probably take him first as a metrosexual. If he's gay he's still closeted. He's not bringing another shark home any time soon. Either way, I'm not bothered. My boys have always been accepting of gay/lesbian relationships. They understand the language and can talk about it openly.

I'm preparing a monster post about the right wing's attempt to control our morals. It may take me a day or two to finish, but rest assured we're on the same page on this one.


Anonymous said...

It's a right wing Christian Jihad..and we're just living in it. This is going to be a loooong four years.

I watched this film today and am amazed at the resilience of some in this world. These children live in the red light district of Calcutta w...